WebMoney Transfer has a function of operation by trust – when one participant entrusts the other participant to conduct certain transactions on its behalf (and from its wallet).
Many WebMoney services may be operated by trust:
Trust function is set through the service web-site WebMoney Security in respective section.
On the service web-siteWebMoney Security log in with your WMID at "Assignment"and choose "trust settings".
Indicate WMID, which is authorized to operate your wallet, and choose your wallet from the dropdown list, and set transactions which are available on your behalf to the authorized WMID: issue of invoices, money transfers, obtainment of transactions history, money balance checking.
Provide expenditure limits for money transfer transactions: daily, weekly and monthly limits.
Besides, the trust function allows paying for goods and services with the code which is sent to mobile phone in SMS-message (or in USSD-request). It is very easy to make payments by this method. The buyer enters its mobile phone number or WMID or e-mail on the seller’s web-site. In reply the buyer receives SMS-message (or USSD request) for payment confirmation. The purchase is made immediately after the code is entered on the seller’s web-site.
The function of payment via SMS can be activated on the service web-site WebMoney Security, at “Limits of payments via SMS”.
To activate the option of payment via SMS, on the service web-site WebMoney Security log in with your WMID at "Assignment" and choose “Limits of payments via SMS” and click “Activate”.
If you have wallets of different types, WMR and WMZ wallets with withdrawal limits will be automatically added to the list.
Please note that in “List of authorized WMID” you will be automatically provided with WMID 248393685341 Merchant WebMoney (SMS) with authorized wallet, for which payment via SMS without the use of WebMoney Keeper is activated.
Expenditure limits can be increased or reduced at any time.
During operation it might be necessary to adjust expenditure limits for authorized wallets with respect to the initially established limits.
To set expenditure limits, open the service web-site WebMoney Security at "Assignment", then choose the required wallet from the list and click “edit”.
Make necessary changes to the limits and click “I agree, WMId:XXXXXXXXXXXX".